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"Midday at the Calf Hutch" 11"x14" acrylic on stretched canvas. Series Painting 1.

Dairy calves are kept in calf hutches for their safety and health. Because dairy calves are babies, they will grow optimally and thrive when they are in a controlled environment where they don't have to compete for food and shelter. A less stressful and clean environment will lessen the chance of the calf becoming ill.  

Dairy cows (mothers) often lack a maternal instinct, which can lead to abandonment of calves shortly after birth. With full-grown cows ranging around 900 - 1,500lbs, small calves that are only 60 - 90lbs at birth are at risk of getting accidentally crushed, be it by the mother or her herdmates. These hutches prove useful in keeping calves out of harms way.

This painting was inspired by the calves at the student-run dairy at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo. 

"Midday at the Calf Hutch"
"Round Up"

"Round Up" 11"x14" acrylic on stretched canvas. Series Painting 2.

As of 2019, women made up 36% of farmers in the United States (American Farm Bureau Federation, 2019). This number continues to rise with increased job opportunities.


Historically, farming and ranching have been a male-dominated industry. Now, more than ever, women are finding roles in operating farms and ranches. 

With a growing population that is increasingly disconnected from agriculture, there is room for growth and education. From the field to the classroom, women everywhere have the ability to influence the future of agriculture.  


This painting was inspired by the photography of AgAmerica Lending. 


"Laying Hens"

"Laying Hens" 11"x14" acrylic on stretched canvas. Series Painting 3.

Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds are the primary egg-producing chickens in the United States. Leghorns (left) produce white eggs, while Rhode Island Reds (right) produce brown eggs.


The earlobe color of chickens can determine the color of their eggs. If a hen has white earlobes, her eggs will be white. If a hen has red earlobes, her eggs will be brown. There are a few red-earlobed breeds (like Dorkings) that have an exception to this rule, as they lay tint or cream-colored eggs.  

Which egg is better for you? White and brown (and any other color) eggs have the same nutritional content, therefore, both are equally healthy to consume as part of a balanced diet. Eggs are full of protein and vitamins--every vitamin except vitamin C! 


"Winter Supper"

"Winter Supper" 11"x14" acrylic on stretched canvas. Series Painting 4.

Family farms account for 98% of the over 2.2 million farms in the United States (USDA 2021). Many farms are multigenerational, and often change ownership every generation, or every other generation. Most farming families have on-farm and off-farm income, where one or multiple individuals has a second occupation to farming.


Currently, total number of farms in the United States are decreasing, but the size of farms have been increasing, as farms on the market are absorbed into pre-existing farms.


Every family farm in the United States is unique in its own way--whether it's what it produces or how it operates. Nevertheless, they are vital to producing food for the hundreds of millions of people in this country (and globally), as well significantly contributing to the United States economy.  


© 2024 by Ariel Anton.

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